
Sunday, July 20, 2008

At the Ravari Room, it's all about the music. And for Ravari Room bartender Donovan Roth, it's all about, you guessed it — the music.

He's been serving happy-hour PBRs at the dimly lit, dual-sided bar since it opened four years ago. His past employers read like a laundry list of Columbus' live music venues: Byrne's, High Five and Little Brother's, and he also plays with the band Sick Thrills.

How would you describe this bar?

It's different every day. Like, Tuesday is karaoke night, so you get all these crazy people that want to be freaks on stage. And Wednesdays, he's in and out, but Tony Monaco plays here.

We support touring bands a lot, so it can be anything from jazz to metal to bluegrass, or rockabilly or punk rock, anything.

What kinds of crowds do you get?

Pretty much 85 or 90 percent of the people who come here are either musicians or artists.

What's the most common drink order?

We have a lot of PBR drinkers. During happy hour, PBR drafts are $1. But after happy hour, they're $1.50.

What do you enjoy most about bartending?

I just like figuring people out. I think because as long as I've been working in the bar business, I consider that I have a degree in psychology. I mean, if you think of all the people I've been meeting — they're going from sober to drunk, that's like four different personalities anyway.

What's the worst part?

When it's dead — when it's really slow. Don't look at your watch ... because every minute's an hour.

So it sounds like this is a career for you?

I guess so. I mean, after how many years? Twelve years? Yeah. That's a long time.

The thing is, it's kind of just a side thing because I play in bands, and last year one of my bands toured Europe for two months.

Is there a drink you hate to make?

I hate making "one of" — you know, somebody wants just one of a drink, and then they keep coming back and ordering it again and again. If somebody wants to order a really fancy shot or a drink — especially a shot — order five of them for your friends.

What do you like to drink?

Right now, I'm not drinking. Every year, I take like two months off ... 'cause I save a lot of money. But when I do drink, I drink Pabst and Old Grand-Dad bourbon.

Where else do you like to hang out when you're off work?

I love Bourbon Street.

Donovan Roth's specialty drink

Hawaiian Punch

1 oz. Southern Comfort

1/2 oz. amaretto

Splash of pineapple juice, grenadine


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