
Sunday, July 20, 2008

It wasn't until she started classes at three different colleges and bartended at just as many establishments that Lindsay Fry found what she'd been looking for.

The Sandusky native moved to Columbus two-and-a-half years ago and has loved the pace and patrons at Gahanna's Signatures since starting there three months ago.

"There's no puking, there's no fighting, there's no any of that business," Fry said. "I'll take this any day."

And she's equally excited about studying sociology and psychology — fitting fields for such a background — at Otterbein College.

How would you describe this bar?

We're a local, neighborhood hangout. It's a sports bar. We have a big lunch crowd, a big dinner crowd, and then people just stay and have some beers.

What's the food like here?

The food is amazing. All I ever eat is a sandwich called the Monte Kristin. It's pretty fantastic. The pizzas are so good, and we sell a lot of burgers.

What kind of crowds do you get?

A lot of people have been coming here for 15 years, so the crowd's kind of a mixture of the people that have been coming here forever and their kids, who grew up liking the food and the atmosphere.

What do they like to drink?

Lot of Bud Light, lot of Michelob Ultra and scotch on the rocks.

What do you enjoy most about bartending?

I love probably the people. It's just always fun to hear everyone's stories, and especially because a lot of the crowd here is older, it's always fun — "When I was your age ..."

What's the worst part?

I think the only bad thing is just sometimes what people think is acceptable to say to you, especially being a female behind the bar. I can laugh off anything, but sometimes people say things that just really aren't very appropriate.

Is this a career or a money-maker for you?

It's definitely a way to make a living that's stress-free, and it's fun. It's about as good of a gig as they get. But it's definitely not a career.

Is there a drink you hate to make?

I think the only thing I don't really like making, and it sounds weird, is a straight martini. Because people that drink martinis are really particular about how they like them.

What do you drink?

I'm definitely a Coors Light or Snakebite girl. Go big or go home.

Where else do you like to hang out?

On my couch in my pajamas.


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