About Global Grind

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Global Grind is a community based website allowing people to discover and share content from anywhere on the web, by linking to, voting for, and commenting on each others content, in a social and democratic way. To view the content in full, Global Grind links to the website that published the story, therefore driving traffic to that website and creating a larger market for sites that publish their own news stories, photos, and videos. Voting submitted content up and down is the cornerstone functionality of the website, and is respectively referred to as grinding and trashing. Headquartered in New York City, Global Grind is a privately held firm funded by Accel Partners and Russell Simmons.

Launch DateSeptember 26, 2007
Tags social-networking, community, globalgrind, news, hip-hop, urban

Global Grind is a community based website allowing people to discover and share content from anywhere on the web, by linking to, voting for, and commenting on each others content, in a social and democratic way. To view the content in full global grind links to the website that published the story, therefore driving traffic to that website and creating a larger market for sites that publish their own news stories, photos, and videos.

Voting submitted content up and down is the cornerstone function of the website, and is respectively referred to as grinding and trashing.

Headquartered in New York City, Global Grind is a privately held firm funded by Silicon Valley venture capital firm Accel Partners and Hip-Hop Mogul Russell Simmons.

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Mediterranean Diet - The Cretan Diet From Crete Island

In an international scale there is much discussion about, and deep interest in, finding the ideal diet, which will improve the health of human beings warding off illnesses. Ever since antiquity, the traditional diet of Cretans seems to be just such a one, including all the right ingredients.
The Greek island of Crete has always been identified with healing and regeneration.
And once again, an ancient culture may offer lessons to the people of today!
cretan diet
Following scientific research and statistical analyses, the Cretan nutrition and diet has been proven to promote health and longevity. It consists almost exclusively of products that the people of Crete produce naturally. Products that only the island of Crete and its ideal climatic conditions can offer.

cretan diet
It is not only the unique in taste and quality Cretan products but also their combination, which gives an enormous nutritional value and can be found in every Cretan dish.
A comparative study among several developed countries, which began in 1960 on behalf of seven countries, has a group of about 700 Cretan men from the countryside under medical observation, regularly checking the state of their health: so far this group has had the lowest percentage of deaths caused by heart attacks and different kinds of cancer.
This study has also shown the Cretan population to be the longest living one: when, in 1991, thirty one years after the beginning of the study, the Social Health Sector of the University of Crete undertook the medical checkup of the group, about 50% were found to be still alive as opposed to the rest of the six participating countries where there wasn't a single survivor (even in the rest of Greece)!Until recently the diet was simple and wholesome: olive oil, which counted for the 1/3 of the individual's daily need in energy, but mainly cereals, principally bread, pulses, vegetables and fruit and, to a lesser degree, cheese, milk, eggs, fish and a little red wine with every meal.
Taking into account the conditions of today's life, we would recommend a return to the traditional Cretan eating habits.

If someone decides to incorporate a Cretan-like diet, it is good to know the following basics:

  • Use olive oil as the principal fat, replacing other fats and oils.
  • Drink a moderate consumption of wine, normally with meals; about one to two glasses per day for men and one glass per day for women.
  • Eat fresh fruit as a typical daily dessert; limit sweets with a significant amount of sugar and saturated fat.
  • Incorporate an abundance of food from plant sources, including fruits and vegetables, breads and grains, beans, nuts, and seeds.
  • Eat minimally processed and seasonally fresh and locally grown foods.
  • Total dietary fat should range from less than 25 percent to over 35 percent of energy, with saturated fat no more than 7 to 8 percent of total calories.
  • Eat low to moderate amounts of cheese and yoghurt daily.
  • Consume low to moderate amounts of fish and poultry weekly; and limit eggs from zero to four servings per week.
  • Only eat red meat a few times or just one time per month

Recommended Product:

Lose Weight Fast With Secrets 2 Slimming
Diet Program
Apple Patch Diet
The Carb Rotation Diet.
The Ultimate Diet Guide

Mediterranean Diet Research Deeply Flawed

A new study published in the British Medical Journal reports that the Mediterranean diet "helps reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by up to 83 percent." The research uses a flawed "Mediterranean Diet Scale" developed a few years ago to determine just how "Mediterranean" a person's diet is. It's a nine-point scale, and test subjects get a point for each aspect of their diet that falls within range. For example, a male who eats a certain quantity of fruit per week gets a fruit point. If he eats an amount of whole grains above a certain amount he gets a whole grain point. Falling outside the scale results in a zero. Getting a nine means someone has a perfectly "Mediterranean" diet. The scale is horribly flawed for four reasons:

First of all, it concerns itself only with quantities of specific things, not quality. So nutrient-poor industrialized, toxin-compromised foods are given the same score as organic and nutrient-rich foods free from toxins.

Second, Mediterranean Diet research assumes that only diet, or only diet and exercise are factors in the superior health and longer lifespans of Mediterranean people, but as other research is showing, sunshine is another factor. This is a problem because Mediterranean diet research does not include advice to get more sun.

Third, with the exception of alcohol and saturated fats, the Mediterranean Diet Scale doesn't concern itself with consumption or over consumption of unhealthy foods. So it's possible to get a perfect 9 on the Mediterranean diet scale, and still consume huge amounts of cotton candy and Red Bull and every day.

Fourth, subjects get an alcohol point for consuming from one to three glasses of alcohol for men and slightly less for women. That means drinking zero alcohol -- the healthiest option, assuming the rest of your diet is healthy -- is treated the same as drinking a bottle of scotch every day. The upper end of this scale -- three glasses per day -- is enough to develop chronic alcoholism.

Also: The research presents Mediterranean food as a drug that "reduces the risk" of diabetes. In fact, the Mediterranean diet is simply closer to what people have eaten for millennia, and that our science-fiction industrialized modern diet *causes* diabetes and other diseases.

When scientists discovered that children were suffering from growth retardation and nervous system damage from eating lead paint, they didn't say that "switching to paint that contains lower amounts of lead can help reduce nervous system damage by 83 percent." No, they reported that lead causes the damage.

The same is true for industrialized diets: They *cause* diabetes, heart disease, obesity, cancer and other maladies.

Recommended Product:

Lose Weight Fast With Secrets 2 Slimming
Diet Program
Apple Patch Diet
The Carb Rotation Diet.
The Ultimate Diet Guide

Best Diet: Low-Fat, Low-Carb or Mediterranean?

In the ongoing battle royale between the hottest American trend diets, it seems one of them in particular always wins title of "most widely followed trend diet" — the standard low-fat diet.

The idea, it seems, has been that the lower in fat a diet is, the better its results. But this notion is one that is under fire from new research released today. And the study has already reignited a debate within the diet and nutrition community that could determine the eventual fate of the low-fat diet.

Researchers at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, Mass., found in a study of 322 obese subjects that the so-called Mediterranean diet — a diet plan characterized by high levels of healthy fats, fruits, and vegetables — beat out the low-fat diet both in terms of how much weight patients lost, as well as how many health benefits they gained as a result of the diet.

Recommended Product:

Lose Weight Fast With Secrets 2 Slimming
Diet Program
Apple Patch Diet
The Carb Rotation Diet.
The Ultimate Diet Guide

Anuar oh Anwar

I had a really good lunch with my colleagues today, courtesy of AP Dr Mike and AP Dr Vijay due to their recent promotions. The menu was 'nasi beriyani gam' cooked by my dearest mum, plus a myriad of other food including fruits and satay. The mangoes Shanty brought from her house was divine and so was the fruit salad that Azian made.

We also had a good chat,Prof Ann,Dr Mike,Dr Vijay,Zaidi and I. Among other things discussed were Anuar Zain's concert in that Prof Ann's daughter who's just come back from Germany has asked her to go together with the 'dulang hantaran meminang' as apparently she is so nuts about him but he met her once and said to her personally, come see me when you are older. Then Shanty broke the secret about me singing with Anuar Zain on Astro ( and I went- come on!malu!!) so everyone had a laugh.

Later we talked about Anwar Ibrahim and the debate last night. I missed it and could have kicked myself for having forgotten, but what to do when you have kids and their tae-kwondo lessons. All the same,no regrets they said on the debate as the Info Minister was rubbish and foaming at the mouth it was so sad to watch (True ka?) Dr.Vijay said the DSAI won the debate hands down.

Anyway, we then talked about how we don't want him as Prime Miniter and all that, and how the Malays should stop taking handouts from Govt and start thinking like our Non-Malay compariots. Quote " How long should the Malays stay on crutches?" Unquote - Exact words of Dr.Vijay. And he cannot be anymore right.

After the hearty meal, I went upstairs to my office.Before continuing with my lectures on " Genetic Engineering (YUCKS!!SUCKS!!) I browsed through the internet a bit to read Utusan Online. That was when I read the bit on Anwar being arrested again by the same modus operandi they used 10 years ago, commandos wth masks and the works.

Oh dear.

I am not sure if it was the food, but then I could not help but feel a pang of sympathy for him as well as for his family.

The Government by this recent action has loudly proclaimed to us all that not only it is flip-flop,it is also unimaginative . This commando crap with masks this time will bear no effect and is a total waste of time in trying to instill the seriousness of the situation as it has "STALE" pasted all over it.

Why la Government you do this kind of things???WHY???Cannot do something a bit more exciting like Incredible Hulk kaa??

And then the Ketua Kelong Pendatang Haram a.k.a Katherine Jackson has demanded Anwar give his DNA samples asap. What rubbish. If there are any DSAI supporters out there, I suggest you tell DSAI to masturbate in front of KJ and give him the samples personally while it is still fresh. Then he has no reason to complain of the validity of his samples. Or that it has been changed as he was right there to receive it.( Sorry younger readers reading this!)

And my dearest PM , if you so criticise the actions of our former PM, why did you replicate his very actions? I believed you have more intelligence than that,epecially after your marriage to this so-called first lady whose names we have to pronounce in French for it to be right.

I am sorely disappointed by this most recent arrest. Although I do not like DSAI, I do not expect for him to be subjected to again a few tumultous years of not being with his family.That is a need. It is also a basic right. Like what Prof Ann said just now and I quote : Why does have to spend years behind bars for something that all the ministers do anyway?Unquote

In order to develop the people in our country fear should not be used as an instrument. The people of Malaysia are not stupid. To me the right thing to do is let him stand for election if he wants and then we the rakyat shall choose . Do not deprive him of what he seeks to do; in so far I have not seen him do anything unlawful. I do not like him yes, but that does not mean we have to be unjust.

Tonight I will pray to Allah to let DSAI be released and for him to go about his own business for the sake of our country. Although I do not support him, the sad fact is we the rakyat need people like him to open the eyes of our ministers who do not care to see. Enough to open, but definitely not win.These are interesting times in our nation and so it must be observed and dealt with properly and justly for the sake of our future generations.That' s my two cents on this matter.

OMG, it MUST be the food.Or have I gone soft?

Naw, I am just saying what I think is right.
All the same,I think the PM at some point should be Mukhriz.

High Glycemic Foods for Diet

Eat healthy 'vision' foods daily

Along with exercising routinely, protecting the eyes and getting regular eye exams, eating certain foods can help maintain vision health.

The American Health Assistance Foundation recommends including the following foods in your diet:

  • Dark green, yellow and orange fruits and vegetables. These contain carotenoids, which help defend against a number of medical conditions, including age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Two carotenoids important to vision health are, Lutein and zeaxanthin.

    Lutein is found in spinach, collard greens, kale, okra, broccoli, papaya, oranges, kiwis, mangoes, green beans, peaches, sweet potatoes, lima beans, squash, red grapes, green bell peppers and egg yolks. Zeaxanthin can be found in yellow corn, honeydew melons, squash, oranges, mangoes, kale, apricots, peaches and orange bell peppers.

  • Fruits and vegetables abundant in vitamin C, including green peppers, citrus fruits, tomatoes, broccoli, strawberries, sweet and white potatoes, leafy greens and cantaloupe.
  • Foods containing vitamin E, such as: eggs, fortified cereals, fruit, wheat germ, green leafy vegetables, nuts, nut oils, vegetable oils and whole grains.
  • Sources of omega-3 fatty acids, such as: wild salmon, tuna, sardines, walnuts and flaxseed oil.
  • Whole grain versions of rice, bread and pasta that contain complex carbohydrates are metabolized slower and are healthier than their "white" counterparts. White rice, bread and pasta have a high glycemic index and some studies have shown that eating foods with a high glycemic index may increase the risk of developing AMD.

    Recommended Product:

    Lose Weight Fast With Secrets 2 Slimming
    Diet Program
    EDiet Factory Weight Loss System
    The Carb Rotation Diet.
    The Ultimate Diet Guide

  • Plumpin' Megan Fox & Baby Megabucks

    I always see pictures of celebrity children in magazines, and they always seem to be happy. I mean, do these kids just not cry, or do magazines not print bad pictures of the child?

    Just for you, a photo of Maddox Jolie-Pitt, who pretty much looks like this in every pap shot. Onward, to more of your Burning Q's!

    I hear they told Megan Fox to put on 10 pounds for Transformers 2. Can an actress really be toooo skinny?
    —Dale, Waukegan, Ill.

    Yes. And "they" didn't tell Fox to gain 10 pounds. The director did. "I'd lost a lot of weight [for a role] and got really scrawny," Fox said during a Television Critics Association interview. "But I was told I had to put on size for Transformers, because Michael Bay doesn't like skinny girls."

    As an aspiring screenwriter, is Hollywood really worth pursuing? It seems most everyone that goes there is left even more messed up than they came.
    —L-Town, La.

    Good point. You may as well stay in the state of Louisiana, that squeaky-clean beacon of uncorrupted innocence.

    Who/what started the Ugg trend?

    Haven't you heard? The Crocs have eaten the Uggs, honey.

    But to your Q. Some trend watchers point to Pam Anderson, who wore them regularly on-camera during her mid-'90s Baywatch run. The animal-loving actress eventually realized she was wearing skin and dumped her Uggs. On her website, she wrote: "I'm getting rid of my Uggs. I feel so guilty for that craze being started around my Baywatch days. I used to wear them with my red swim suit to keep warm, never realizing that they were SKIN! I thought they were shaved kindly. People like to tell me all the time that I started that trend—yikes! Well let's start a new one—don't buy Uggs."

    No need to beg me on that one. Not big on Mastodon legs meself.

    Which is more important to a celebrity when it comes time to sell their baby pictures to a publications—the reputation of the magazine, or how much money the magazine will pay them?
    —Jen, Toronto

    "I have brokered a baby pic deal," personal publicity veteran Howard Bragman tells me, "and my client took the highest offer.

    "People will often pay more," Bragman continues, "because not only do they want the picture—they don't want anyone else to have the picture even more."

    Are Rob Kardashian and the Cheetah Girl still an item?


    Has anyone who has won America's Next Top Model actually become a true "top model"?

    Hmmm. Lemme leaf through this here latest issue of Vogue, here. Daria Werbowy. Chanel Iman. Daria again. That Jetsons-looking space girl with the white hair and the black eyebrows. Lily Donaldson...Nope, no Cha-Cha Diva. So, in a word, no.

    Walking Catfish Startle Residents

    PINELLAS PARK -- Residents in a Pinellas County subdivision found about 30 catfish walking around their neighborhood on Tuesday.

    The walking catfish uses its pectoral fin to shuffle up the street and can breathe out of water as long as it stays moist.

    Dianna Fernandez maintains the lawns in the area and drove up on the incredible sight.

    "I was, like, 'No way, there's fish in the street.' And I kept going further and further, seeing fish everywhere. In driveways. I've never seen anything like it,"

    Paul Shafland, a scientist with Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission said walking catfish can travel short distances on land as long as they stay moist.

    "Scientists say these walking catfish are pretty tough. They actually live in storm drains, and when it rains a lot they come up with the water and start walking around the streets," Shafland said.

    "We thought it was a prank at first. That, maybe, somebody dumped some fish, but then we realized that it was coming up from the sewer -- that we had to so much rain last night," said Pinellas Park resident Hannah Cline.

    A fisherman on the St. Petersburg Pier who wasn't having much luck, was skeptical that he could catch plenty of fish on the street.

    "Oh, walking on the street? Nah," said Marcilinio Ramierez.

    Even though the slippery walking catfish are easy to catch, scientists say people should not try to save them because the fish are an invasive species that does harm to Florida's ecosystem.

    According to Shafland, the walking catfish has been in Florida since the 1960s.

    "Walking catfish gained huge notoriety in the 1960s that they were going to take over Florida and devastate the area," Shafland said. "Those predictions have not been realized. But while their numbers seem to have declined the walking catfish are still problematic."

    Comedian Andy Dick arrested in drug, sex case

    MURRIETA, Calif. (AP) — Andy Dick was arrested early Wednesday for investigation of drug use and sexual battery after the comedian allegedly pulled down a teenager's top, police said.

    The former co-star of the TV sitcom "NewsRadio" was released from a detention center after posting $5,000 bail. Calls to his representatives seeking comment were not immediately returned.

    Police were called to the Buffalo Wild Wings in Murrieta at about 1:13 a.m. to investigate a report of "an intoxicated male" urinating outside the bar and causing a disturbance, according to a police statement.

    When they arrived, a 17-year-old girl told police that she was outside when Dick left the bar, walked up, "grabbed her tank top and bra and pulled them down and exposed her breasts," the statement said.

    Friends escorted Dick to a truck, which officers stopped at a nearby Sam's Club, police said.

    Dick was identified by the teenager and a witness, police said.

    Marijuana and the drug Xanax were found his pants pockets during a search and he appeared "extremely intoxicated," police said.

    Dick, 42, was booked at Southwest Detention Center in French Valley on suspicion of felony possession of a controlled substance, misdemeanor sexual battery and misdemeanor possession of marijuana.

    Dick has a reputation for crude behavior. He has been reported to have exposed himself to audiences at least twice. He was forcibly removed from the set of the show "Jimmy Kimmel Live" last year after he repeatedly touched guest Ivanka Trump without her permission.

    Also last year, Dick was cited in Columbus, Ohio, for urinating on the sidewalk. A comedy club owner in the city said the actor also made inappropriate comments while onstage, groped patrons, took women into the men's room and urinated on the floor and on at least one person.

    In 1999, Dick was arrested for possession of cocaine and marijuana after driving his car into a telephone pole in Hollywood. He pleaded guilty but the charges were dismissed after he went into a diversion program.

    Video Debat Anuar Ibrahim vs Ahmad Shabery Cheek

    Part 1

    Part 2

    Part 3

    Part 4

    Part 5

    Part 6

    Money Tampabay

    Link Details for : Money tampabay.com — St. Petersburg Times
    Link Category : / Business
    Site Description : Friday is Take Your Dog to Work Day, but for Pixie, it'll be business as usual. ... Get the Tampabay.com Breaking Business News widget and many other great ...Added on : 2007 06 22

    New videos from JibJab, Harry Shearer

    First, the JibJab — remember them? Take away the clever animation and this is just another dumb Mark Russell/Capitol Steps song parody. But it's really clever animation...

    JibJab - Time for Some Campaignin'

    And by the way, if you go here you can insert your picture (or anyone else's) in the place of the white guy who's "probed" in the video.

    But if you'd just like to watch something funny, here is another amazing live-feed grab Harry Shearer's minions made. How they get these out of the Fox News bunker I have no idea, except that someone there might have it in for Laura Ingraham.

    Watching this video, though, I can't understand why ANYONE would have it in for Laura ....

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