Anuar oh Anwar

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

I had a really good lunch with my colleagues today, courtesy of AP Dr Mike and AP Dr Vijay due to their recent promotions. The menu was 'nasi beriyani gam' cooked by my dearest mum, plus a myriad of other food including fruits and satay. The mangoes Shanty brought from her house was divine and so was the fruit salad that Azian made.

We also had a good chat,Prof Ann,Dr Mike,Dr Vijay,Zaidi and I. Among other things discussed were Anuar Zain's concert in that Prof Ann's daughter who's just come back from Germany has asked her to go together with the 'dulang hantaran meminang' as apparently she is so nuts about him but he met her once and said to her personally, come see me when you are older. Then Shanty broke the secret about me singing with Anuar Zain on Astro ( and I went- come on!malu!!) so everyone had a laugh.

Later we talked about Anwar Ibrahim and the debate last night. I missed it and could have kicked myself for having forgotten, but what to do when you have kids and their tae-kwondo lessons. All the same,no regrets they said on the debate as the Info Minister was rubbish and foaming at the mouth it was so sad to watch (True ka?) Dr.Vijay said the DSAI won the debate hands down.

Anyway, we then talked about how we don't want him as Prime Miniter and all that, and how the Malays should stop taking handouts from Govt and start thinking like our Non-Malay compariots. Quote " How long should the Malays stay on crutches?" Unquote - Exact words of Dr.Vijay. And he cannot be anymore right.

After the hearty meal, I went upstairs to my office.Before continuing with my lectures on " Genetic Engineering (YUCKS!!SUCKS!!) I browsed through the internet a bit to read Utusan Online. That was when I read the bit on Anwar being arrested again by the same modus operandi they used 10 years ago, commandos wth masks and the works.

Oh dear.

I am not sure if it was the food, but then I could not help but feel a pang of sympathy for him as well as for his family.

The Government by this recent action has loudly proclaimed to us all that not only it is flip-flop,it is also unimaginative . This commando crap with masks this time will bear no effect and is a total waste of time in trying to instill the seriousness of the situation as it has "STALE" pasted all over it.

Why la Government you do this kind of things???WHY???Cannot do something a bit more exciting like Incredible Hulk kaa??

And then the Ketua Kelong Pendatang Haram a.k.a Katherine Jackson has demanded Anwar give his DNA samples asap. What rubbish. If there are any DSAI supporters out there, I suggest you tell DSAI to masturbate in front of KJ and give him the samples personally while it is still fresh. Then he has no reason to complain of the validity of his samples. Or that it has been changed as he was right there to receive it.( Sorry younger readers reading this!)

And my dearest PM , if you so criticise the actions of our former PM, why did you replicate his very actions? I believed you have more intelligence than that,epecially after your marriage to this so-called first lady whose names we have to pronounce in French for it to be right.

I am sorely disappointed by this most recent arrest. Although I do not like DSAI, I do not expect for him to be subjected to again a few tumultous years of not being with his family.That is a need. It is also a basic right. Like what Prof Ann said just now and I quote : Why does have to spend years behind bars for something that all the ministers do anyway?Unquote

In order to develop the people in our country fear should not be used as an instrument. The people of Malaysia are not stupid. To me the right thing to do is let him stand for election if he wants and then we the rakyat shall choose . Do not deprive him of what he seeks to do; in so far I have not seen him do anything unlawful. I do not like him yes, but that does not mean we have to be unjust.

Tonight I will pray to Allah to let DSAI be released and for him to go about his own business for the sake of our country. Although I do not support him, the sad fact is we the rakyat need people like him to open the eyes of our ministers who do not care to see. Enough to open, but definitely not win.These are interesting times in our nation and so it must be observed and dealt with properly and justly for the sake of our future generations.That' s my two cents on this matter.

OMG, it MUST be the food.Or have I gone soft?

Naw, I am just saying what I think is right.
All the same,I think the PM at some point should be Mukhriz.


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