Anger, anguish and analysis: Bloggers react to New Yorker cover

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Reaction to The New Yorker cover that Mark wrote about earlier has been pouring in on blogs since last night. Some commenters say they don't get the big deal. Others are wondering whether the magazine will be publishing covers on Republican John McCain that they would view as comparably offensive.

The mood is angry and anguished at Jack and Jill Politics, a blog that says it offers "a black bourgeoisie perspective on U.S. politics." The post is called "With friends like these" and, a cautionary note, the language in the post and comments is raw. At Daily Kos, there are suggestions for other "satirical" covers featuring Barack Obama. At Talking Points Memo, J. Thomas Cronin says the cover reveals the cluelessness of "limousine liberal Manhattanites" about the concerns some Americans have about Obama -- and in fact feeds those concerns.

On the right, some conservatives agree the cover is offensive and tasteless, not just to Obama but to them. It is meant to show conservatives as "ignorant racists," says Philip Klein at the American Spectator. If Obama loses, says Jim Geraghty at National Review's Campaign Spot, the magazine will blame it on "Republican smear artists." Ed Morrissey at Hot Air says Obama is lucky the cover will divert attention from the article inside.

David Brody, a Christian conservative blogger at CBN, says the cover perpetuates stereotypes and creates danger for Obama: "While The New Yorker may think that portrayal isn’t accurate, Obama’s critics on the right think the picture is spot on. I mean, this thing has ‘copy and paste” written all over it. Expect to see this jpeg picture popping up in conservative emails everywhere."

Joe Gandelman at The Moderate Voice analyzes and summarizes much more reaction here.


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