Beth Ann Chester sentenced to prison

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Beth Ann Chester, a former teacher, has been sentenced to 1 and 1/2 to 3 years in prison for having sex with a student, according to the Pittsburgh Gazette.

Beth Ann Chester

Meet Beth Ann Chester, a naughty High School teacher from Moon Area School in Pittsburgh, was charged with sexual abuse of children. See her picture and read more below !

Beth Ann Chester is a 26-year-old health and physical education teacher at Moon Area High School in Pittsburgh who faces nine criminal charges for having sexual contact and sending nude pictures of herself and sex-related text messages to a 14-year old male student. She was arrested on Friday, after the district officials filed a report with the police, stating Chester may have had in appropriate contact with the student.

"I wanted to apologize to everyone," Chester told the judge during her sentencing. "I know this is the punishment I deserve. I'm really sorry for everything."
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